
Showing posts from 2019

Ways To Improve Learning Outcome

Student learning outcome refers to the knowledge that a student demonstrates at the end of an academic session. Improving student learning outcome opens up more career and educational opportunities. The modern educational scenario involves a lot of digital learning (integration of technology and learning) which is believed to have a positive impact on the learning outcome. Following are some other methods and strategies to improve a student learning outcome: Restructure Teaching And Learning Methods: Fine-tuning the learning and teaching methods can bring about significant improvements in the performance of students in terms of their grades. Instead of using traditional teaching systems that are more theoretical, infuse fun in the learning process by rewarding students, setting up fun projects, conducting brainstorming classes, etc. Some methods of learning that can be used are micro learning, flipped learning, mastery learning, blended learning, etc. Adopt Technology: Instead of

Interactive Learning Through Whiteboard

Whiteboards, also known as smart boards, are interactive tools that are used for displaying accurate images from a computer via a digital projector for instructional purposes. They also include software meant to facilitate high-quality video conferencing. This feature makes it convenient to create presentations and manipulate elements on the whiteboard with a pen, stylus, finger or mouse (items on the board can be copied, clicked and dragged). The benefits of using whiteboards for interactive learning are: Improve Content Presentation: Whiteboards make it easier to display a variety of content from different sources. Such content is more engaging and detailed as compared to conventional modes of instruction e.g. chalkboards, projector screens, etc. Record Lessons: Interactive whiteboards comprise of software meant to facilitate the creation of quality presentations, recording of lesson activities and making notes. For the convenience of students, information can also be printed

Why Is Outdoor Learning Important

Outdoor Learning is a broad term that includes outdoor activities in the early childhood years, school grounds projects, environmental education, recreational/adventure activities, personal and social development program, expeditions, team building, leadership training, education for sustainability, adventure therapy, etc. It helps kids in development of advanced cognitive abilities and better academic performance. It also leads to reduced stress level in kids. Following are some reasons due to which schools should encourage students to spend more time outside while learning: Better Academic Performance: Outdoor activities make students feel energetic resulting in better attendance, improved retention of information and positive school behavior. This leads to improved academic performance. Developmental Benefits: Students who indulge in outdoor learning exhibit better behavioral, intellectual and emotional responses. They are more likely to take initiative as they feel confiden

Benefits Of School Clubs To Students

School clubs are considered one of the most important ways of tapping into the hidden potential of students and encouraging them to pursue interactive activities. These clubs organize a variety of extracurricular activities that teach students valuable skills like team work, leadership, community service, interpersonal communication, the art of listening, adapting to change, managing emotional stress, etc. The emotional, physical and academic benefits of school clubs for students are: Better Academic Performance: Activities organized by school clubs improve brain function and energy levels of the students. They develop a positive attitude towards school/ academics, study better and have higher chances of scoring good grades. Being a part of a school club improves concentration, builds problem solving skills, increases endurance and improves time management. Social Skills: When students interact with their peers in an informal set up like a school club, they open up and naturally

The Importance Of School Attendance For Kids

Regular attendance at school is vital for the overall development of students. It exposes them to numerous experiences and opportunities for growing socially, academically, emotionally and mentally. To avail the maximum benefit from what a school has to offer, it is important for students to develop the discipline of attending school regularly and consistently. Following points explain various ways in which children benefit from regular school attendance: Better Grades: Students, who take their school attendance seriously, outperform their peers in academics. They get better grades due to fewer learning gaps. Also, they can utilize their energy on grasping what is being taught instead of completing pending assignments caused by absenteeism. Structured Routine: Kids thrive in a structured environment. If they attend school regularly, the structured routine at school fosters their learning capacity. At an early age, they begin to understand the value of setting goals, meeting deadli

Strategies For Academic Success

In order to achieve academic success, students need to implement a combination of different strategies and approaches. The choice of strategies depends upon your individual learning style and the goals you want to achieve. Some of the time-tested strategies that can assist in academic success are: Set Goals: By setting goals, you are more likely to manage your time better. Set academic and personal goals at the beginning of every semester. The goals should be specific and flexible to facilitate effective implementation. Setting goals will help you to focus on your academic work without getting distracted. Positive Attitude: For success, it is important to maintain a positive attitude towards your studies and the goals you want to attain. If you are positive about the task at hand, you are more likely to stick to it diligently without feeling stressed about the process. Indulge in regular exercise, practice meditation, do deep breathing exercises, etc. to feel energized and posi

Why Is Elementary Education Important

Elementary education, also known as primary education, is the foundation step towards both academic and non-academic learning. In fact, elementary education is believed to be a prime factor in impacting a child’s intellectual development and social behavior. Benefits of elementary education for a child in defining his personal, professional and academic life are: Teaches The Right Attitude: Elementary school is where a child’s attitude towards the world is defined. A child gets to understand the basics of interacting with others including teachers, school-mates, etc. He learns the importance of listening to others, understanding their viewpoint and putting forth his own thoughts in a defined manner. Creates A Healthy Social Environment: By communicating and playing with other kids of their age, children learn to thrive socially. They make new friendships, learn to evaluate consequences of their actions, follow rules, learn the value of respecting differences, sharing, team work,

Tips For A Successful School Year

Students can enjoy a successful school year if they remain committed towards establishing a disciplined routine. The commencement of a new school year is the right time to adopt new strategies to study effectively and efficiently. Following are some proven ways with which a student can make the most out of his potential in a school year: Being Organized: For academic success, it is important for students to master the skill of being organized. They should build healthy habits like preparing for a day at school in advance, establishing a schedule for homework, play, hobbies, etc. Organizing a day before helps in starting the day on a calm note and getting rid of the anxiety of looking for things. This sets the tone for the day in which a student can learn and assimilate information better. This will not only aid their academic success but also lead to the overall development of their personalities. Creating A Homework Station: By designating a specific spot for doing homework in t

Stress Management Techniques For Students

In today’s competitive world, students experience continuous stress. Common causes why students are building stress include homework, school, bonding with peers, transitions, work, etc. As children grow, it is important to teach them ways to cope with stress without letting it affect their health and studies. Below are some of the important techniques for stress management in students: Proper Sleep: Getting enough sleep is essential for relief from stress. Students should aim for at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. In addition to this, they should take power naps from time to time. Sufficient sleep refreshes the brain & body, increases productivity levels and boosts academic success. Exercise: Regular exercise is a great way of reducing stress levels in students. Exercise boosts feel-good hormones in the body which makes it easier for students to face challenging situations. The best forms of stress-reducing exercises for students are yoga, walking, cycling and even ligh

Benefits Of Preschool Education

Preschool education is believed to be monumental in the development of a child’s academic, social and emotional life. Nowadays parents are quite aware and are willing to expose their kids to myriad of experiences right from their early years of life. A quality preschool program is a sure way of helping a young child sharpen his skills and soar to new heights right from elementary school. Preschool education significantly impacts a child’s learning experiences. A range of benefits includes: A Great Foundation For Learning: Preschool lays ideal foundation for children as they learn to co-exist with their teachers and fellow classmates away from the comfort & security of home. This instills in them the confidence of venturing out of home; which gives a good start to school life. Preparation For Kindergarten: Attending preschool makes it easier for children to transcend into kindergarten and adapt to the academic curriculum. Preschool education helps children understand the basic

Importance Of Balancing Study & Hobbies In Student Life

School life involves juggling numerous aspects such as studies, sports, socializing, community service, hobbies and various interests. Studies consume major part of a student’s time, leaving little time for other activities. However, for the overall development of a student, it is important to strike a balance between academics, personal interests and hobbies. Some important reasons for students to balance their studies and hobbies are: Well-Being: Engaging in hobbies in between studies helps students maintain an overall sense of well-being. It reduces fatigue caused by studying for long hours by lowering eye-strain, offering change of posture, changing breathing patterns etc.  Social Life: Taking out time for hobbies adds an element of interest to a student’s life as he has something to learn and polish his skills. Students, who pursue hobbies, diligently attract like-minded people and maintain a healthy social circle. Good Pass-Time: Pursuing a hobby offers numerous benefits

Why Is It Important To Meet Your Child's Teacher

Parent-teacher meetings play a pivotal role in the academic success and personality development of a child. When parents are actively involved in the school lives of their children, they can keep a better tab on their academic performance, behavior and attendance at school. A great way of active involvement in a child’s school life is by meeting his teacher from time to time. The frequency of such meetings depends on the child’s age, special needs, if any or general concerns. Following are some benefits of keeping in touch with your child’s teacher: Get A Better Understanding Of Your Child: Keeping in touch with a child’s teacher helps parents understand if their child is facing any learning and attention issues at school. Parents also get an insight into their child’s academic, social and emotional development. Teachers may give parents ideas on how to tackle such conditions in the best possible way. Eventually such interactions benefit a child by improving his learning abilities

Tips To Prepare Your Child For New Academic Year

Beginning of a new academic year brings along a period of adjustment which may excite some children while others may need help for adjusting to these changes. Parents and teachers have a huge role to play, when it comes to helping children in adjusting to the changes that come with a new academic session. Following are some tips that may be helpful in preparing children for adjusting to a new academic year: Orientation: If the school is hosting an orientation, you must attend it with your child. Orientation helps a child in getting familiar with the new class, new teacher and know what to expect. Kids who attend orientations are more likely to ease into a new academic year. Communication: Maintain an open channel of communication with your child. Ask questions that give an insight into how your child feels about the new academic year and listen carefully. Offer meaningful advice and reassure your child that you are always there for help and support. Rehearsal: Practice the ne

Importance Of Early Learning

Early learning refers to education in preschool, pre-kindergarten, nursery school or day-care. The kind of exposure a child receives through 8 years of age impacts his personality in myriad ways. Early learning gives child a kick-start towards a bright and successful future. Following are some reasons due to which early learning is a necessity for the young and malleable minds of small children: Mental Stimulation: During the early years of life, the brain is most receptive to learning new things and retaining information. Kids who are enrolled in an early learning program develop vital cognitive, learning, language and motor skills. Early learning centers provide a conducive environment for improving their vocabulary through conversational games, singing, telling stories and so on. Early Screenings: Early learning centers schedule early childhood screenings for 3 to 5 year old kids. The screening tests cognitive development, social skills, hearing, coordination, emotional skil

How To Make A Study Plan

Creating a study plan helps students achieve their learning goals faster and utilize their time effectively. The idea behind creating a study plan is to allocate dedicated time slots during the day, week or month to study. Students who rely on study plans are more organized and develop a sense of accountability for the outcome of their efforts. Listed below are some tips for creating an effective study plan: Create A Time Chart: The first step towards making a study plan is to draft a time chart listing your current activities. The purpose of a time chart is to highlight activities that consume your day and find a suitable block of time for your studies. Determine Your Goals: After this, determine your goals for the coming week or month and what you want to accomplish by the end of this period. Some common examples of goals that students set are to raise their average in a class, to complete a chapter, to study for a particular test or exam and so on. Find Your Style Of Learnin

Benefits Of Taking Up Teaching Job

The most rewarding aspect of being a teacher is the ability to change another human being’s life profoundly and motivate him to achieve his maximum potential. A teacher not only benefits the students he teaches, but also experiences many benefits in his own personal life. Listed below are some benefits of this profession that reflect in a teacher’s life: Opportunities To Learn New Things: The teaching profession offers so many opportunities to learn new things every single day. Each day gives you a chance to update your knowledge, learn something about yourself as a human, about your students and the world around you. An Active Lifestyle: As a teacher, a major portion of your day is spent either standing or walking which helps you in staying active while you work. Long Term Friendships: Teachers spend a major part of their day at school. This provides opportunities to interact with their colleagues and form strong bonds that may last a life time. Work-Life Balance: This profe

Why Art Should Be Included In Elementary Education

Historically, art included painting, sculpture, music, architecture, poetry and performing arts such as theatre and dance. However, today fine arts also include film making, photography, design, conceptual art, video production, editing, calligraphy, sculpture, etc. in its ambit. Teaching arts in elementary school can provide a myriad of benefits to the young and malleable minds of kids. Some benefits are listed below: Better Student Engagement: Art encourages students to present authentic performance in whatever they do by being completely engaged in the task at hand. It fosters collaboration and provides immediate rewards in the form of appreciation to their performance or creation. Positive Habits And Attitudes: Including fine arts in elementary schools has been shown to foster a positive environment and culture in schools. The need for disciplinary action greatly reduces as students develop traits like patience, persistence and confidence. Enhanced Creativity: Art student

Tips To Increase Concentration While Studying

To boost concentration levels while studying, the environment around the student should be conducive, bright and distraction free. It is normal for students to get easily distracted by gadgets, however a few tips and tricks can help them in focusing on their studies in a better way. Following are some proven strategies that help in boosting concentration while studying: Create The Right Environment: The first and most essential step in boosting concentration while studying is to create an appropriate environment with minimal distractions. So, look for a peaceful place like a library or a private room to set your study space. Gather All Your Study Supplies: Everything you need for studying should be in your vicinity so that you do not have to take breaks to search for them. Gather study essentials like notebooks, pens, pencils, erasers, study guides, highlighters, a bottle of water, a light snack, etc. and keep them within your reach before you start studying. Create A Clutter Fr

Why Is Science Olympiad Important

Participating in Olympiads, in addition to regular school curriculum, helps in shaping up the mental & emotional capabilities of students and also boosts their knowledge about a particular subject. Science Olympiads in particular, encourage students to think logically. Also, they enhance their analytical reasoning and problem solving skills. They comprise of mentally stimulating but fun educational experiences. The importance of a Science Olympiad in a student’s life can be summed up by the following points: Deeper Exploration Of Scientific Concepts: Schools teach basic concepts of subjects such as physics, biology and chemistry, but Science Olympiads enhance the knowledge of students by broadening intellectual and mental horizons. Students are introduced to individual concepts such as forensics, disease, meteorology and more. They are encouraged to build little contraptions including assembled robots, hovercrafts, towers, etc. from scratch and complete the product successful

Joining A Dance Club In School

Dance is an art that helps in promoting both physical and mental well-being of children. Since, kids spend a lot of time at school; thus, most institutions organize dance clubs that offer lessons in various dance genres such as Tango, Hip-Hop, Ballet, Contemporary, Latin, etc. These clubs employ skilled & professional teachers for engaging and encouraging students to learn this art as well as inculcate some useful life skills. Following are some benefits that students can reap by joining a dance club at school: Teamwork: Joining a dance club at an early age in school helps students learn the value of teamwork to achieve a common goal. A good dance performance requires the dancers to coordinate and work in sync with each other. Thus, the students learn to perfectly time their movements with the team for their performance to be rhythmic & well-coordinated. Discipline: Albeit dance clubs are meant to be fun, they still require the students to be disciplined and focused whi

Why Are Work Assignments Important?

Work assignments are a part and parcel of every student’s academic life. The basic principle behind the concept of assignments is to make students review the topics that have been learnt in the school. It gives them an insight of how clearly they have understood the concepts and provides them an opportunity to clear their doubts before moving forward to new topics. Apart from revising schoolwork, work assignments provide the following benefits: Provides An In-Depth Analysis Of The Subject: Allocating work assignments to students encourages them to revise the topics learnt in the class and also research other resources to complete them. Over the time, this practice instills the habit of probing further on a topic to gain better understanding of the subject. It Teaches Time-Management: Students learn the skill of budgeting their time in order to accommodate their hobbies & other activities of interest along with completing their work assignments. This way they learn the importa

Maintaining Classroom Discipline

The primary responsibility of maintaining discipline in the classroom lies with the teacher-in charge. So, teachers must formulate effective discipline strategies and implement them with the help of parents and administrators. Following are some techniques that can be used by teachers who are searching for unique and effective ways of maintaining discipline in their classrooms: Know Your Students: Get to know your students and their personalities well enough to predict their behavior in the class. Know their names and develop a personal bond to understand them better. Consistency And A Sense Of Humor: Be consistent in maintaining discipline in the classroom. Stick to the rules you have set and ensure that they are fairly enforced. In case a rule is not adhered to as expected, tackle the situation strictly but with a touch of humor. It is important to maintain eye contact with the students and handle the situation without humiliating them. Keep Your Calm: A rule of thumb to f

How To Make Students Believe In Themselves

Role of an educator extends far beyond merely imparting education. It also involves building the self-confidence of the students and helping them believe in themselves. This becomes especially important when one considers the huge achievement gap that exists among students from varied backgrounds. As an educator, you should recognize the achievement gap and work with students to overcome individual challenges. This will narrow down the differences and help all students in laying the strong foundation that they deserve. It is well-proven that the right intervention by educators can significantly improve the performance of children, thus helping them succeed in life. The first step in this journey is to engage students in the powerful verbal conversation of “We can, and we will”. It is important to dispel all the preconceived inferiority notions that the students might have, and help to create a self-empowering thought process. A teacher can influence the students in getting rid of th