Tips To Prepare Your Child For New Academic Year

Beginning of a new academic year brings along a period of adjustment which may excite some children while others may need help for adjusting to these changes. Parents and teachers have a huge role to play, when it comes to helping children in adjusting to the changes that come with a new academic session.

Following are some tips that may be helpful in preparing children for adjusting to a new academic year:
  • Orientation: If the school is hosting an orientation, you must attend it with your child. Orientation helps a child in getting familiar with the new class, new teacher and know what to expect. Kids who attend orientations are more likely to ease into a new academic year.
  • Communication: Maintain an open channel of communication with your child. Ask questions that give an insight into how your child feels about the new academic year and listen carefully. Offer meaningful advice and reassure your child that you are always there for help and support.
  • Rehearsal: Practice the new routine before it actually begins as this will help in familiarizing your child with the new schedule. Start with waking your child earlier than usual, scheduling meals as per his school routine, encouraging your child to read a favorite book, etc.
  • Proper Sleep: Establish a regular bedtime routine as the new academic year approaches. Good sleep is crucial for helping your child feel less anxious on the first day of the school year.
  • Shopping: Shopping for new school supplies is something that your child may love. Use it as an opportunity to make your child look forward to the experience of re-joining school.
  • Recall: Talk to your child about the fun activities awaiting him in the new academic year by recalling the best things of the previous year.  For example, recall interesting field trips, projects, events, etc. that your child enjoyed in the previous academic years.
  • Connect: Connect with your child’s teacher often to know more about what you can do to help your child adjust and thrive in the new session.
  • Health: If a child is healthy and fit at the time of joining school, the chances of adapting to changes will be higher than those of a child with poor health. As a step towards preparation for the new academic session, limit the intake of junk food and encourage your child to have a balanced & nutritious diet.
  • School Zones: Set-up bright & colorful school zones at home that consist of spots for backpacks and distraction free study corners. Participating in setting up these zones helps children in being mentally prepared for the coming session.

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