Maintaining Classroom Discipline

The primary responsibility of maintaining discipline in the classroom lies with the teacher-in charge. So, teachers must formulate effective discipline strategies and implement them with the help of parents and administrators.

Following are some techniques that can be used by teachers who are searching for unique and effective ways of maintaining discipline in their classrooms:

  • Know Your Students: Get to know your students and their personalities well enough to predict their behavior in the class. Know their names and develop a personal bond to understand them better.
  • Consistency And A Sense Of Humor: Be consistent in maintaining discipline in the classroom. Stick to the rules you have set and ensure that they are fairly enforced. In case a rule is not adhered to as expected, tackle the situation strictly but with a touch of humor. It is important to maintain eye contact with the students and handle the situation without humiliating them.
  • Keep Your Calm: A rule of thumb to follow when disciplining students is to keep your calm and never raise your voice. Silence is a golden tool when it comes to disciplining students of any age. It is advised to keep your voice low but firm while repeating the instructions as losing your temper will create an unfavorable learning environment for the students.
  • Set Rules And Consequences Of Breaking Them: At beginning of the session; set rules, communicate them to the students and also inform them the consequences of breaking rules. Make it clear that violations of the rules will not be tolerated. You can also post the rules in the classroom and review them with the students from time to time.
  • Keep The Students Engaged: An important skill of teachers who have mastered the art of maintaining discipline in the classroom is to make a lesson interesting, clear, organized and engaging. You can also use different teaching tools to make sure students don’t get distracted in the class.
  • Praise Students: If your students are working hard to obey the rules, make it a point to praise them often. This will help them know the kind of behavior expected from them and also keep them motivated to follow the rules. However, do not praise a specific group of students each time. Every student in the class should be appreciated and encouraged for positive behavior.
  • Move Around The Classroom: When teaching, keep moving around the classroom to show the students that you are fully aware of what they are doing. This strategy is very effective for keeping them alert and preventing any sort of disorderly behavior.

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