Ways to Improve Concentration & Memory Power In Students

Concentration and memory are abilities that can be improvised by using study techniques and fine-tuning certain lifestyle habits. The human brain is capable of transforming itself at any age provided it gets the right stimulation. The same is applicable to the process of learning and memorizing. By harnessing this ability of the brain, one can increase cognitive abilities, get better at learning new information, and improve memory irrespective of age.

Various strategies that can be used to improve memory power and concentration in students are:
  • Brain Exercises: Students should engage in brain-boosting activities that challenge the brain. The brain needs a constant influx of unfamiliar information to develop fresh neural pathways. Give it a good workout by learning new things, engaging in challenging activities, and stretching capabilities through activities you enjoy e.g. pottery, a new musical instrument, playing mind games, etc.
  • Use Memory Techniques: To improve memory, adopt memory techniques like chunking information, using acronyms, abbreviations, the “mind palace technique”, contextualizing new information, summarizing what is learned in words, using all senses while learning and paying attention.
  • Get Enough Sleep: Students need around 7.5 to 9 hours of sleep for their brains to function optimally. Even a few hours of sleep deficiency can affect problem-solving abilities, creativity, memory, and critical thinking abilities. 
  • Eat Well: Food has a major impact on the functioning of the brain; it acts as fuel for the brain. A diet consisting of vegetables, fruits, whole grain, lean protein, and healthy fats improve memory. Students can boost their brainpower by including omega-3s, green tea, juices, and enough water in diet.
  • Physical Exercise: Apart from mental exercise as mentioned above, the brain also needs physical exercise to thrive. Physical exercise ensures that the brain gets enough oxygen supply, which leads to the secretion of positive brain chemicals, and fewer stress hormones. Choose activities e.g. walking, dancing, jumping jacks, skipping, etc.
  • Check Stress Level: Engaging in stress reduction activities is good for brain cells. Those who manage stress effectively have a better ability to form new memories and retain older ones. Students can manage stress by meditation, setting realistic expectations, socializing frequently, balancing work and leisure, expressing feelings, laughing more, and avoiding multi-tasking.
Killeen Independent School District provides various opportunities to students for enhancing their concentration and memory power. The school district organizes extra-curricular activities for students to become well-rounded individuals. To know more about ways to improve concentration and memory power in students, visit 200 N. WS Young Dr., Killeen, TX – 76543. You can also call at (254) 336 – 0000. 

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