Role Of Athletics In Students Life

Athletics has a profound impact on the life of a student in terms of physical, mental and psychological benefit it provides. It blurs the differences of academic performance, ethnicity, financial stature, etc. by bringing students on a common platform.

Let’s take a look at some ways in which athletics adds value and meaning to a student’s life:
  • Meaningful Opportunities: Athletics provides students with an array of opportunities. Good performers can avail an opportunity of receiving scholarships for funding their college education. Athletics provides students with many opportunities of meeting other players and coaches. Some of these bonds may culminate into meaningful lifelong friendships or be the gateway to a host of job and investment opportunities. Someday they might just become successful coaches in schools and sports institutes as well.
  • School’s Pride: Athletics helps in fostering a wonderful bond between the student and school. Students often yearn to achieve excellence for the sake of their school’s pride. These feelings give way to positive traits such as hard work, resilience, team work, goal setting, seeing failure as a stepping stone to success, etc.
  • Academic Motivator: Most schools require students interested in athletics to maintain decent grades at school. Due to this, students keen on athletics do their best to perform well in academics so as to get a chance in athletics.
  • Life Skills: Athletics imparts valuable life skills to students in the form of discipline, hard work, time-management, persistence, leadership skills, soft skills, team work, respect for others, etc. These life skills not only help them at an individual level, but also benefit the community as a whole. These students grow into well-adjusted adults who don’t get overwhelmed with difficulties easily.
  • Enhances Mental And Physical Growth: Athletics encourage students to have an active lifestyle. Such students are more likely to stay away from gadgets like phones, televisions, Ipads, etc. They develop a natural liking for outdoors. Also, they are physically strong and active. On the mental front, athletes are a happier lot and less prone to depression and stress. By interacting with other players regularly, they develop useful social skills that can prove to be helpful in future.
  • Lifelong Healthy Habits: Students who are into athletics develop a natural liking for healthy food options. They learn to differentiate between foods that are beneficial from foods that aren’t. Mindful eating also helps keep diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, joint pain, strokes, depression, heart disease, high cholesterol, etc. at bay.

Thus, athletics plays a very important role in a student’s life.


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