Teaching Social-Emotional Skills In School

Imparting social and emotional skills at a tender age equips children with the life skills required to manage their everyday tasks as adults. They become better learners, form healthier relationships, are cooperative and caring towards those around them and are less impulsive. Even though these skills are already embedded in the school curriculum, a deliberate effort by the teachers is required to highlight the skills.

How To Make Social-Emotional Learning Part Of The Curriculum?
  • Mindfulness: Before students embark on a difficult project/subject, they should be encouraged to practice mindfulness exercise to calm their nerves. This helps in assimilating the knowledge better. As per scientists, this helps students develop hope-an important factor for success.
  • Caring And Safe Classrooms: Educators should ensure that the classrooms environment is comfortable & safe for the students. A classroom should be a place where they feel safe to discuss their feelings. The time spent in the classroom can be tapped into for building their emotional literacy. It is a great platform for teaching them how to tune into the emotional states of those around them with sensitivity and care.
  • Emotional Development Through English Language Arts: Language & art offer meaningful lessons on emotions, communication, social ties etc. A character in a story can be used to delve deeper into the traits, motivations, feelings and actions that lead to certain events. It also helps enrich their emotional vocabulary. Such practices teach students to recognize the emotions of others and their own emotional reactions. Encouraging students to make journal entries everyday about how they feel throughout the day and even hanging posters on different emotions in the classrooms helps.
  • Group Work: An essential part of social-emotional skills is learning how to develop your voice when working with a team. Encouraging students to participate in as many group activities as possible at school sets them up for a lifetime confidence. They learn valuable skills such as effective communication, compromising, finding solutions instead of brooding over problems and much more.
Benefits Of Social-Emotional Learning:
  • Improves academic performance
  • Reduces problem behavior
  • Improves emotional health and responses
  • Develops a positive attitude towards oneself, school and society
  • Improves concentration spans
  • Reduces anxiety
  • Suicide prevention
  • Chemical dependency prevention
Conclusion: The onus of blending in social-emotional learning with the school curriculum lies solely on the dedication and hard work of the teacher. A teacher can do wonders by going an extra mile to help students develop skills that will make them happier and stronger humans. Students thrive in an environment of care, trust and safety. The classroom is one such place where such an environment can be created.

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