Moral Values That Schools Should Teach Their Students

It is extremely important to teach mathematics, science, computers etc. to students but it would be of no use if they lack moral values and fail to understand what is ethically correct. Schools should not be just centers that impart academic education but should also be instrumental in instilling moral values in students. Moral values should be taught to kid’s right from kindergarten which they shall carry along for their entire lives.

Children are the future of the nation, so it is important to make them understand the importance of knowing what is right and wrong. This way they grow up as responsible citizens of the nation and positively contribute towards society as a whole. Here are certain moral values that schools must teach their students:

  • Honesty – It is a virtue that every person must practice in their life. Encourage them to be honest with their teachers, parents, classmates and everybody around them. This will help them develop a good character. Teachers should make them realize the bad consequences of being dishonest and how they would land up in trouble if they cheat.
  • Kindness – Teaching kindness should be an essential part of the curriculum as this will encourage righteous behavior among them. Children who are taught kindness in school show a positive and optimistic behavior. They become happier individuals who are full of gratitude.
  • Co-operation – Schools should design team activities and programs that encourage co-operation among children. This will help them listen and understand other’s viewpoint, work together as a team and build positive relationship with others.
  • Forgiveness – Life become easier when people learn to forgive. It is not something which they can learn in one day but needs to be practiced over years. So children should be taught the importance of forgiving others and valuing people and relationships more as forgiveness is the key to mend unhealthy & broken relationships.
  • Respect – Children should be taught the importance of respecting others. This will help them look beyond differences based on nationality, religion, caste, color, creed, gender, race etc. They would learn to respect each person as an individual and accept them with their differences.
  • Compassion – Compassion will make them sensitive to the needs of others and this in turn will help in making world a better place to live in. This will help them build a happier society devoid of hunger, war, homelessness etc.
  • Generosity – Teach them that sharing is caring. Motivate them to share whatever they have whether time, money or any other resource and contribute towards the society in one way or the other. 

Thus, teaching moral values in schools goes a long way and helps in building a progressive society.


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