Qualities Of A Good Teacher

The influence a teacher has on the personality and life of a child is profound. It lasts for a lifetime. Being a great teacher is a combination of hard work, knowledge, skills and a positive attitude. Here is a list of some qualities that make a great teacher.

• A Pleasant Personality   
An ideal teacher is friendly with his/her students. The students should be able to look up to a teacher to share their problems and thoughts. They should be able to understand the perspective of students and have an open communication with them. Also, a teacher should dress sensibly and be gentle & kind.

• Expertise And Knowledge
A teacher will impart only what he/she knows. So, it is important for a teacher to be well versed with their subject. They should keep on brushing up their skills and add on to their knowledge. Great teachers are intellectually alive and open to change.

• Good Communication Skills
Communication skills are crucial for a teacher. Good communication skills mean that the teacher will be able to deliver their lectures effectively and reap good results. Being a good listener is also an important aspect of a good communicator.

• Knowledge Of The Learner
If a teacher knows their student well enough to understand what they require, they will be able to cater to their cognitive, social and emotional development better. A good teacher knows student’s needs and abilities.

• Passion For Teaching
Passion is the driving force of success. A teacher who is passionate about his/her work will want to deliver the best to the students. They will be able to engage and motivate students effortlessly and create interest in the subject.

• Effective Classroom Management
A great teacher is skilled at managing a group of students with utmost ease. Managing a classroom involves patiently dealing with behavioral issues of students, creating a culture of respect and effectively conveying behavior that is acceptable and appropriate in the class.

• Thriving Relationships With Others
A good teacher is not only good with students but also with other teachers, administrators and parents. They should be able to work in harmony and be supportive to other teachers as well.

• Using Different Instructional Methods
Great teachers never use a single instructional method. They keep experimenting with different methods in order to get excellent results. They incorporate techniques such as mini lectures, problem based learning, interactive lectures, group based learning etc. They usually choose well-researched and practiced methods suitable for their grade level and subject area.


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