Benefits Of Reading For Young Children

Reading has neurological, academic, psychological, social and linguistic benefits for a child. All formal education revolves around reading. By making books an intrinsic part of a child’s life, a strong foundation is being set for their success in all spheres of life. Here is a detailed list of some profound benefits of reading for children.

1. Development Of Language Skills
Children who read everyday are exposed to rich vocabulary. They come across words that are not used in their daily lives. Exposure to new words improves their language skills and helps them develop fluency.

2. Neurological Development
Kids who are encouraged to read books from an early age show signs of brain activity which promotes their reading skills and language development faculties. Reading leads to the development of vital connections in a child’s brain. The stimulation to the brain due to reading forms the basis for their leaning and intellectual abilities.

3. Better Concentration
Being consistent with reading helps a child learn to sit still in concentration for long durations. The habit should be inculcated in early childhood.

4. Good Learners
Kids who read, grow up to be more inquisitive by nature. They yearn to learn more about what they read and have questions about the same. Books expose children to a wide range of information, cultures and languages.

5. Imagination And Empathy
Reading fosters imagination as children have the ability to imagine the characters they are reading about. They experience feelings of excitement, anticipation and suspense while reading. They learn how to look at things from different perspective. They also develop empathy by relating to the characters in a book.

6. A Good Source Of Entertainment
Book reading gives kids respite from the grip of technology in the form of video games, TV, phones and apps. It is a form of entertainment with no negative effects. A good book can be a constant companion for your child that are easy to carry around and delve into when free.

7. Bonding
Parents who read to their children from an early age are more likely to develop a better bond with them. Reading to your children gives parents a chance to enjoy their child’s company and give them undivided attention. This has positive emotional repercussions.

8. Coping Skills
Reading exposes kids to various stories which have something important to teach. Children are exposed to different scenarios in the book that they can relate to in reality. This better equips them to handle certain situations in real life e.g., the loss of a pet, dealing with strangers etc.

9. Preparation For School

Early readers are better prepared for schools as reading becomes more of a fun activity than a chore. They are more receptive and curious to learn new things at school. They are good at concentrating in class and have a better understanding of the subjects.


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