How Can Teachers Help Students Deal With Stress

Childhood and student life was often considered as a stage devoid of stress. However, recent studies show an increase in stress levels amongst students. As a result of stress, their ability to process, learn and retain information is compromised. The only people who can help stressed-out students develop coping mechanisms to improve their academic performance and emotional well-being are teachers. Let’s take a look at some ways in which teachers can help.

1. Awareness About Symptoms Of Stress
If students are taught how to recognise symptoms of stress, they can take immediate action to curb it. Teachers should educate children on early signs of stress such as a rapid heartbeat, nausea, change in eating patterns, inability to concentrate etc. The moment a student detects these symptoms, they should be encouraged to seek an elder’s support or advice and take charge of the situation. Students should be taught how to approach their school work in a step-by-step manner.

2. Let Them Know It Is Normal
Adolescents can freak out at the mere thought of being stressed and they might think they are not normal. A good teacher should teach students in this stage of life, the science behind their mounting stress levels. It is good for them to know why they are emotionally overwhelmed at the smallest things and that it is just a phase which will eventually pass. They should be encouraged to make responsible decisions and not irresponsible ones in the wake of stress.

3. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness in the form of meditation, breathing practices and yoga should be encouraged in schools. These practices have a profound effect in reducing stress levels amongst students. They have shown to improve memory, concentration and mood.

4. Practice What You Preach
Remember that as a teacher, you are a role model for the students. Seeing you calm and composed throughout the day will definitely calm them down too. A short-tempered, edgy teacher will do no good to a stressed-out student. Practice the relaxation techniques and mantras you preach to your students. Maintain a balance between your professional and personal life. It will reflect through your behaviour with the students and positively influence them.

5. Pleasant Surroundings
Take care not to overstimulate the brain of your students with bright colours, clutter, disorganized noise and visual distractors. Keep the work area of your students neat to evoke feelings of calmness. Decorations and displays in the classroom should be soothing to the senses.

6. Transition Time

Avoid hurrying from one activity to another at the cost of your student’s well-being. Give them some time to transit from one activity to another. This will keep their stress levels down.

7. Empower Them With Strategies To Tackle Stress

It is not possible to eliminate stress altogether, but coping strategies work wonders in helping reduce the negative effects of stress. Arm your students with strategies such as:
  • Developing positive study habits
  • Time management
  • Enrolling in student support groups
  • Exercising


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