Encouraging Students To Visit School Libraries

Real books are a treasure house of authentic knowledge that modern kids should be encouraged to tap into. School libraries are a great place for a head start in book reading.

Teachers have a major role to play when it comes to encouraging kids to read books from the school library. It is important for a teacher to be well versed with the books in the library in order to guide the children about books they might like.

Benefits Of Visiting School Libraries

1. Legitimate Sources Of Information
Visiting school library exposes children to a different realm of information as compared to online resources. Libraries are filled with treasurable scholarly sources with authors and reputable organizations as their creators.

2. Better Concentration
Reading off a real paper book has been shown to boost concentration levels of the reader. There are fewer distractions and temptations to multi-task when reading books.

3. Study Oasis
Nothing compares to the ambience of a library for studying. It’s a great place for students who want a nice quiet space to study.

4. A Multitude Of Resources
School libraries have some really helpful resources that can be extremely beneficial for students. Some of these are:
  • E-books and audiobooks
  • Internet access
  • Free computer use
  • Wi-Fi and research support
  • Books on every subject
  • Magazines, DVDs and CDs

5. Extra-Curricular Hub

Here are some things that teachers and librarians can do to encourage kids to visit school libraries more often and develop a lifelong love for reading:
  • Hosting contests related to books in the library and awarding gift cards and free books as prizes.
  • Giving away book once in a while.
  • Scheduling visits with famous young adult writers.
  • Encouraging the library to be a gathering point for students to review a book and not just a silent reading zone.
  • Adopting user-friendly and flexible policies for students. This will encourage library visits and foster reading habits. Examples of such policies are, leniency with students who lose a book, paying students for reading, creating summer checkouts etc.
  • Librarians can collaborate with teachers to encourage students to do some research based on their curriculum from the school library.
  • Books should be organized as per different topics to make it easier for students to find a book of their choice.
  • Diverse books should be provided to students to broaden their horizons. Students have a natural instinct to explore and the school library can tap into this. It will keep their interest in books alive.
  • Visits by local authors, poets and even read-aloud sessions are some after school activities that can be immensely beneficial for students.


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