How Can Teachers Help Students Succeed In Life

Teacher plays a pivotal role in the life of a child. The role of a teacher extends far beyond the classroom. With proper guidance and patience, a teacher can mould a child who is weak in studies into a successful person.  It is the role of a teacher to forge strong relationships with the students and teach them vital life lessons that go beyond academic excellence.

Here are some ways in which teachers can change the life of students for better:

• Develop A Sense Of Belonging
Teachers should work towards making academically weak students capable of contributing to the society. Students should be encouraged to participate in activities that add value to the lives of others. This will increase their self-esteem and help them value themselves beyond academic performance.

• Praise For Trying
Teachers should emphasize the importance of putting in one’s maximum efforts. Students should be taught that hard work and diligence are more important than good grades to achieve success in life. They should be praised for every small accomplishment as this can significantly help them boost their self-confidence.

• Help In Discovering Hidden Talents
Teachers spend a major chunk of the day with students. They know each students strength and weakness.  A teacher can thus set a student on the path to success by helping them discover their latent talents. Encouraging them to pursue the skills they are good at, will not only boost their self-confidence but also give them a goal to pursue with all their heart and soul.

• Learning Through Self-Reflection
A good teacher instills the habit of reflecting on ones mistakes and learning from them instead of blaming it on a situation or person. Taking personal responsibility for a consequence is a major stepping stone towards being successful in life. Students who perform poorly in academics can be encouraged by teachers to look deeper into the reasons for the unsatisfactory results and work on improving them in future.

• The Art Of Asking For Help
Students with poor grades have a tendency of not asking for help from the fear of being ridiculed. Only a teacher can work towards getting a child rid of this fear and teaching them the power of collaboration and team work for success. Activities like group discussions, contests and group projects in the class can immensely benefit shy students by helping them to open up.

• Discouraging Unhealthy Competition And Comparison
By discouraging unhealthy competition and comparison amongst the students, a teacher can encourage them to learn how to avoid distractions later in life. They can be trained to appreciate their strengths. This will help them remain focused while striving for success in any field.


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