Benefits Of Teaching Kindness In Schools

Many schools are keen on introducing a kindness curriculum in pre-kindergarten and onwards. Such a curriculum is believed to have a positive impact on the grades of a child, their cognitive abilities and also improve relationship skills.

Here we have listed certain benefits of teaching kindness in schools -

• Friendship
A kindness curriculum is believed to foster feelings of friendship in the class. Teaching kids to be kind will make them more empathetic and compassionate towards others. This way, the child expands his social circle and makes new friends.

• Life Skill
Being kind to others helps a child work on strengthening attention towards others and regulating his emotions. This is an important life skill for the child to develop.

• Overall Transformation
If kindness is taught in each and every school, the effect will be widespread transformation without any policy change or administrative involvement.

• Bridging Gaps
Kindness broadens a child’s horizons and helps them see the world beyond caste, color or creed. It unifies the world by creating a sense of connection amongst everyone.

• Happier Kids
Kind children tend to remain happier. An act of kindness activates areas in the brain associated with pleasure and trust and brings about feelings of joyfulness.

• Better Health
Research has proven that acts like kindness release a hormone called oxytocin in the brain which promotes better mental and physical health. It also reduces stress levels and inflammation amongst students.

• Optimism And Self-Worth
Children who are taught kindness and helpfulness at school develop a lasting sense of pride, heightened sense of well-being, optimism about life and self worth. They grow into emotionally strong adults.

• Gratitude
Schools teach kindness through certain projects that encourage children to interact with the less fortunate. This instills a feeling of gratitude that lasts for a lifetime.

• Improved Attention Span
When students perform a kind action, their brain releases serotonin, a feel good hormone which improves their memory, mood and sleep. Such kids have been shown to retain information and perform better at school.

• Less Bullying
Kids who are taught to be kind at school focus less on negative actions and more on fostering positive behavior. The environment in schools that incorporate kindness in their curriculum is noticeably warmer and more inclusive.

Here are some ways in which teachers can teach kindness to students:

  • Reading out books that teach kindness.
  • Encourage activities that make students focus on external and internal sensations.
  • Help students understand emotions of others.
  • Emphasize the importance of forgiveness.
  • Teach gratitude towards those who help them.
  • Encourage teamwork.

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