What To Ask At Your Kid's Parent Teacher Meet

Parent teacher meet is a great opportunity for teachers and parents to bond and discuss about how a child is faring at school. Parents should make the most of these meetings by asking relevant questions within the given time frame. Asking the right type of questions not only helps you as a parent, but also helps the teacher understand your child better. Parental involvement has been shown to play a major role in a child’s academic success.

Here’s a list of the most important questions to ask at parent teacher meets.

1. How Is My Kid Doing Academically?
This is of course the first issue that parents and teachers discuss at parent teacher meets. Asking this question throws light on areas and subjects your child might need help in and what can be done about it.

2. How Is My Child Doing Emotionally And Socially?
Your child’s social and emotional health is directly related to their academic performance. It is very important for parents to focus on this aspect of a child. Parent teacher meets are a good time to inquire about how well your children handle challenges at school and how they interact with their peers. Focusing on your child’s social and emotional health at school is a major stepping stone towards helping them master important life skills.

3. What Are My Child’s Strengths And Weaknesses?
Teachers really appreciate parents who are open to hearing their child’s weaknesses in addition to their strengths. It feels great to know about your child’s strengths, but it takes a strong heart to listen to their weaknesses. Asking about a child’s weakness is the sign of a dedicated and responsible parent. Teachers are more than willing to join hands with parents who are keen on helping their children overcome their weaknesses.

4. How Can I Help My Child?
It takes a caring and concerned parent to ask this question. This question signals to teacher that the parent is ready and willing to support the teacher in helping their kid achieve the target. A teacher can share vital cues in helping your child excel academically, emotionally and socially.

5. Who Are My Child’s Friends At School?
Knowing about the kids with whom your child hangs out at school gives you a sneak peek into their social life. Ask your child’s teacher about their friend circle and if there’s anything you should be concerned about.

6. Does My Child Complete Tasks In The Class?
Completing tasks and following directions in the class indicate agility and concentration. It also shows how much the teacher knows and observes your child’s performance in class. Your child should be able to complete tasks without getting distracted easily.

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