Strategies For Teaching Students With Physical Disabilities

When it comes to teaching, there is no one way of doing it. Different students have different requirements as far as the method of instruction goes. The same rule applies to students with physical disabilities. These students need unique strategies of teaching i.e. courses designed for them, a suitable teaching style and a variety of instructional methods.

A physical disability refers to disabilities that affect ones’ mobility, health, medical status and also injuries of the brain. Some of these disabilities are easy to spot e.g. the physical ones, but the medical and health related ones are not as obvious.

Let’s delve deeper into this and check out some strategies that have been shown to have a positive effect on making teaching effective for students with physical disabilities:
  • Electronic Transfer Of Study Material: To aid the student in catching up with the curriculum, a teacher should take an extra step to send the teaching material to him/her electronically or by transferring it to a USB flash drive. The students can also be permitted to audio-record the lecture. In addition to this, tools like colorful highlighters and sticky-notes can be used to help the student retain important information.
  • One-On-One Discussions: The teacher should arrange for special discussions with each student to follow up on his/her individual progress in class. The teacher can probe into whether the student requires special learning tools, easier assignments, different methods of assessment and even share some strategies for success.
  • Extended Time: Students with physical disabilities should be provided with extra time for their tests and assignments, essays, and exams. The teacher should be flexible while dealing with them.
  • Distraction-Free Rooms: Teachers should allot separate rooms for students with physical disabilities for writing tests or exams.
  • Extra Support: Teachers can adopt a buddy-system and also take assistance from a para-educator. In the buddy system, another student from the class helps the child with a physical disability to take notes. The para-educator assists the disabled children with any in-class requirements.
  • Remove Environmental Issues: This is the first step in helping physically disabled students feel confident. They should be provided with an environment that is free of obstacles and distractions. Extra furniture and objects should be moved away. Things like textures mats and paper stabilizers should be provided for a non-slip work-space. This helps instill a sense of normalcy in the student and takes away the fear of tripping over and falling. However, if the student is using an assistive device to facilitate mobility, that should not be treated as an obstacle but as a part of him/her.


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