
Showing posts from June, 2020

Ways to Improve Concentration & Memory Power In Students

Concentration and memory are abilities that can be improvised by using study techniques and fine-tuning certain lifestyle habits. The human brain is capable of transforming itself at any age provided it gets the right stimulation. The same is applicable to the process of learning and memorizing. By harnessing this ability of the brain, one can increase cognitive abilities, get better at learning new information, and improve memory irrespective of age. Various strategies that can be used to improve memory power and concentration in students are: Brain Exercises: Students should engage in brain-boosting activities that challenge the brain. The brain needs a constant influx of unfamiliar information to develop fresh neural pathways. Give it a good workout by learning new things, engaging in challenging activities, and stretching capabilities through activities you enjoy e.g. pottery, a new musical instrument, playing mind games, etc. Use Memory Techniques: To improve memory, adopt m

How Can Teenagers Maximize Their Educational Experience?

Teenage is the phase of life where children develop academic skills, social skills, and polish their personalities. Thus, supporting a teenager through the process of education is a unique responsibility for everyone involved i.e. teachers and parents. However, adults must understand that teenagers require an uninhibited environment to thrive in and succeed academically. Ways in which teenagers can wade through this transitional phase of their life while improving their academic performance are: Identify A Learning Style That Works: Everyone has a unique style of learning that works for him and helps in gaining a deeper understanding of a subject. Teenagers can significantly boost their academic performance by identifying a learning style that works for them i.e. using visual aids, audio recordings, reading or engaging in hands-on projects, etc.  Flagging Information: It is easier to find important information when preparing for exams by marking important points and topics with t