
Showing posts from April, 2019

Why Art Should Be Included In Elementary Education

Historically, art included painting, sculpture, music, architecture, poetry and performing arts such as theatre and dance. However, today fine arts also include film making, photography, design, conceptual art, video production, editing, calligraphy, sculpture, etc. in its ambit. Teaching arts in elementary school can provide a myriad of benefits to the young and malleable minds of kids. Some benefits are listed below: Better Student Engagement: Art encourages students to present authentic performance in whatever they do by being completely engaged in the task at hand. It fosters collaboration and provides immediate rewards in the form of appreciation to their performance or creation. Positive Habits And Attitudes: Including fine arts in elementary schools has been shown to foster a positive environment and culture in schools. The need for disciplinary action greatly reduces as students develop traits like patience, persistence and confidence. Enhanced Creativity: Art student

Tips To Increase Concentration While Studying

To boost concentration levels while studying, the environment around the student should be conducive, bright and distraction free. It is normal for students to get easily distracted by gadgets, however a few tips and tricks can help them in focusing on their studies in a better way. Following are some proven strategies that help in boosting concentration while studying: Create The Right Environment: The first and most essential step in boosting concentration while studying is to create an appropriate environment with minimal distractions. So, look for a peaceful place like a library or a private room to set your study space. Gather All Your Study Supplies: Everything you need for studying should be in your vicinity so that you do not have to take breaks to search for them. Gather study essentials like notebooks, pens, pencils, erasers, study guides, highlighters, a bottle of water, a light snack, etc. and keep them within your reach before you start studying. Create A Clutter Fr