
Showing posts from June, 2018

Teaching Social-Emotional Skills In School

Imparting social and emotional skills at a tender age equips children with the life skills required to manage their everyday tasks as adults. They become better learners, form healthier relationships, are cooperative and caring towards those around them and are less impulsive. Even though these skills are already embedded in the school curriculum, a deliberate effort by the teachers is required to highlight the skills. How To Make Social-Emotional Learning Part Of The Curriculum? Mindfulness : Before students embark on a difficult project/subject, they should be encouraged to practice mindfulness exercise to calm their nerves. This helps in assimilating the knowledge better. As per scientists, this helps students develop hope-an important factor for success. Caring And Safe Classrooms : Educators should ensure that the classrooms environment is comfortable & safe for the students. A classroom should be a place where they feel safe to discuss their feelings. The time spent in

Why Is Regular Assessment Important For Children

Assessment is a tool used by educational institutions to determine where a child stands in terms of his/her growth and development in reading, arithmetic and life skills. This is done by gathering critical information and reviewing the same. The information is then used to plan educational activities as per the mental level of a child. Assessment is usually done in the form of observations, ratings by educators, parent ratings and standardized tests. These mediums of assessment ensure a child benefits fully from the information being imparted. Let’s take a look at various ways in which assessment can be beneficial: Observation And Documentation : Assessment lets an educator understand the child. He/she gets to observe the child closely and determine whether he is catching up with what’s being taught. The same information is then documented and acts as a record of the child’s cognitive, motor, language, social and emotional performance. Guide For Parents And Educators : Regular as

Need Of School Curriculum

A concise and practical curriculum ensures that knowledge is imparted to learners effectively and on time. A school curriculum consists of various goals that teachers would like to achieve within a stipulated period of time, a list of tools to be used for teaching, a mode of assessment and comprehensive planning to achieve these goals. School curriculums are important for the following reasons: The Learning Experience Becomes Manageable : Without a curriculum, there would be no plan and no goal to be achieved. The whole learning process would be a haphazard project. A curriculum helps teachers to be organized in their efforts of imparting knowledge. The content to be taught is broken down into small manageable steps that is easier for students to catch up with. Support For Teachers: A school curriculum is a boon for the teachers . It becomes easier for them to know what it is that they have to teach within a given time frame, how to teach and how to assess the students. A curriculu