
Showing posts from April, 2018

Moral Values That Schools Should Teach Their Students

It is extremely important to teach mathematics, science, computers etc. to students but it would be of no use if they lack moral values and fail to understand what is ethically correct. Schools should not be just centers that impart academic education but should also be instrumental in instilling moral values in students. Moral values should be taught to kid’s right from kindergarten which they shall carry along for their entire lives. Children are the future of the nation, so it is important to make them understand the importance of knowing what is right and wrong. This way they grow up as responsible citizens of the nation and positively contribute towards society as a whole. Here are certain moral values that schools must teach their students: Honesty – It is a virtue that every person must practice in their life. Encourage them to be honest with their teachers, parents, classmates and everybody around them. This will help them develop a good character. Teachers should make them

Benefits Of Playing Chess

Chess is one of the most intellectually stimulating & loved game played around the world. People from all age groups enjoy playing it. It is a wonderful pastime which helps in improving functioning of the brain, memory faculties, cognitive abilities, attention span etc. Let’s take a look at some major benefits of playing chess. Brain Stimulation Playing chess helps in developing both sides of brain in the long run. It encourages working of brain cells which keeps them robust for years to come. Players of chess utilize both the left and right hemispheres of their brain for object and pattern recognition respectively. Also, playing chess stimulates the growth of dendrites in the brain which improves neural communication. This leads to faster functioning of brain. Improvement In Attention Chess demands uninterrupted attention of a player. Playing chess regularly improves attention and focus. This reflects in other spheres of one’s life too such as at the workplace for adults

Imparting Physical Education In Schools

Incorporating physical education in the school curriculum has shown to have a positive impact on various spheres of a student’s life. It improves academic performance, reduces stress, improves eating habits and regulates impulsive behavior. Some modern day schools are incorporating physical activities in the form of “gym classes” wherein students are taught psychomotor activities and involved in various sports. Effective habits such as these can be immensely helpful in keeping chronic diseases and disabilities out of the lives of your children. Here are some reasons due to which imparting physical education in schools is becoming the need of the hour: Better Health Incorporating physical education in schools can positively impact a student’s health. Increasing the amount of physical activity in schools prevent issues such as obesity, sleep disorders, osteoporosis, asthma, cardiovascular problems, diabetes etc. Adopting an active lifestyle in school sets the foundation for a health