
Showing posts from March, 2018

Importance Of Joining Clubs At School

A combination of good grades and life skills is sure to set a student for success in life. The best way to teach kids essential life skills is by enrolling them in clubs at school. Clubs help students in expanding their horizon beyond the classroom. They learn useful skills that can help them later in their work environments and in dealing with the society in general. Here are some of the benefits of enrolling students in clubs at school. • Develop Communication Skills Clubs such as debate clubs are extremely beneficial in brushing up communication skills of students. They become more confident in voicing their opinions and learn how to lend an ear to others in the room. Students learn how to present an argument and use language to their advantage. They can use these skills to enhance their career prospects in future. • Leadership Skills Joining clubs at school give students a chance to learn leadership qualities. Being a leader at such a tender age exposes a student to many beneficia

Qualities Of A Good Teacher

The influence a teacher has on the personality and life of a child is profound. It lasts for a lifetime. Being a great teacher is a combination of hard work, knowledge, skills and a positive attitude. Here is a list of some qualities that make a great teacher. • A Pleasant Personality    An ideal teacher is friendly with his/her students. The students should be able to look up to a teacher to share their problems and thoughts. They should be able to understand the perspective of students and have an open communication with them. Also, a teacher should dress sensibly and be gentle & kind. • Expertise And Knowledge A teacher will impart only what he/she knows. So, it is important for a teacher to be well versed with their subject. They should keep on brushing up their skills and add on to their knowledge. Great teachers are intellectually alive and open to change. • Good Communication Skills Communication skills are crucial for a teacher. Good communication skills mean that the tea

Benefits Of Reading For Young Children

Reading has neurological, academic, psychological, social and linguistic benefits for a child. All formal education revolves around reading. By making books an intrinsic part of a child’s life, a strong foundation is being set for their success in all spheres of life. Here is a detailed list of some profound benefits of reading for children. 1. Development Of Language Skills Children who read everyday are exposed to rich vocabulary. They come across words that are not used in their daily lives. Exposure to new words improves their language skills and helps them develop fluency. 2. Neurological Development Kids who are encouraged to read books from an early age show signs of brain activity which promotes their reading skills and language development faculties. Reading leads to the development of vital connections in a child’s brain. The stimulation to the brain due to reading forms the basis for their leaning and intellectual abilities. 3. Better Concentration Being consistent with rea