
Showing posts from February, 2018

Importance Of Teaching Soft Skills In School

Soft skills are personal qualities, attitudes and habits that make a person better equipped at solving problems, being adaptable to change, and working as a team on the personal and professional front. Academic excellence and possession of soft skills are the perfect blend for success in modern times. Schools are shifting their focus on giving equal weightage to soft skills and academic performance of students to prepare them for future. Teaching soft skills at school benefits students in the following ways: • Increases Adaptability Soft skills taught in schools prepare students to adapt to life situations they’ve not anticipated or are not prepared for. It helps them adapt to new situations easily without feeling anxious. This skill is useful in the business and employment world. • Global Competence Another way of developing soft skills in students that many schools are adopting is to expose them to new cultures by travelling to different countries. This helps them sharpen their cop

Encouraging Students To Visit School Libraries

Real books are a treasure house of authentic knowledge that modern kids should be encouraged to tap into. School libraries are a great place for a head start in book reading. Teachers have a major role to play when it comes to encouraging kids to read books from the school library. It is important for a teacher to be well versed with the books in the library in order to guide the children about books they might like. Benefits Of Visiting School Libraries 1. Legitimate Sources Of Information Visiting school library exposes children to a different realm of information as compared to online resources. Libraries are filled with treasurable scholarly sources with authors and reputable organizations as their creators. 2. Better Concentration Reading off a real paper book has been shown to boost concentration levels of the reader. There are fewer distractions and temptations to multi-task when reading books. 3. Study Oasis Nothing compares to the ambience of a library for studying. It’s a gr

How Can Teachers Help Students Deal With Stress

Childhood and student life was often considered as a stage devoid of stress. However, recent studies show an increase in stress levels amongst students. As a result of stress, their ability to process, learn and retain information is compromised. The only people who can help stressed-out students develop coping mechanisms to improve their academic performance and emotional well-being are teachers. Let’s take a look at some ways in which teachers can help. 1. Awareness About Symptoms Of Stress If students are taught how to recognise symptoms of stress, they can take immediate action to curb it. Teachers should educate children on early signs of stress such as a rapid heartbeat, nausea, change in eating patterns, inability to concentrate etc. The moment a student detects these symptoms, they should be encouraged to seek an elder’s support or advice and take charge of the situation. Students should be taught how to approach their school work in a step-by-step manner. 2. Let Them Know It