
Showing posts from January, 2018

Benefits Of Teaching Kindness In Schools

Many schools are keen on introducing a kindness curriculum in pre-kindergarten and onwards. Such a curriculum is believed to have a positive impact on the grades of a child, their cognitive abilities and also improve relationship skills. Here we have listed certain benefits of teaching kindness in schools - • Friendship A kindness curriculum is believed to foster feelings of friendship in the class. Teaching kids to be kind will make them more empathetic and compassionate towards others. This way, the child expands his social circle and makes new friends. • Life Skill Being kind to others helps a child work on strengthening attention towards others and regulating his emotions. This is an important life skill for the child to develop. • Overall Transformation If kindness is taught in each and every school, the effect will be widespread transformation without any policy change or administrative involvement. • Bridging Gaps Kindness broadens a child’s horizons and helps them see the worl

How Can Teachers Help Students Succeed In Life

Teacher plays a pivotal role in the life of a child. The role of a teacher extends far beyond the classroom. With proper guidance and patience, a teacher can mould a child who is weak in studies into a successful person.  It is the role of a teacher to forge strong relationships with the students and teach them vital life lessons that go beyond academic excellence. Here are some ways in which teachers can change the life of students for better: • Develop A Sense Of Belonging Teachers should work towards making academically weak students capable of contributing to the society. Students should be encouraged to participate in activities that add value to the lives of others. This will increase their self-esteem and help them value themselves beyond academic performance. • Praise For Trying Teachers should emphasize the importance of putting in one’s maximum efforts. Students should be taught that hard work and diligence are more important than good grades to achieve success in life. They

Benefits Of Higher Education

Higher education is believed to improve not only the quality of life but also the career prospects for an individual. Post secondary education broadens one’s horizons and helps an individual develop life skills that increase their adaptability in the society. Here we have listed certain benefits of higher education: • Better Career Choices Higher education opens up opportunities for better career choices. It helps individuals gain skills, knowledge and training required for the career of their choice. Some even discover new professions they were not aware of before with the exposure they get from higher education. • Personal Development Higher education significantly enhances the quality of an individual’s life. A person becomes better at expressing themselves. They also develop critical thinking skills that help in solving social and personal problems later in life. • Financial Stability Educated individuals have been shown to enjoy better financial stability. Their chances of gettin