
Showing posts from April, 2020

Motivation: The Key To Student Success

Motivation is a key ingredient for success in all spheres of life i.e. academic, social and physical. It helps in overcoming the fear of failure, encourages one to take challenges, learn new skills, improves emotional quotient, reduces the desire for constant attention, etc. Schools can contribute towards motivating students by offering them a supportive curriculum comprising of projects, techniques, and tools that increase their overall level of interest. Let us take a look at different ways with which parents and teachers can contribute towards motivating students: Accept Mistakes: It is important to make students feel appreciated in spite of mistakes made while learning. Mistakes are a part of life and a foundation for life’s crucial lessons. When a student knows that he will be accepted by teachers, peers, siblings, and parents in spite of mistakes, it gives him a much-needed confidence boost. Offer Stimulating Content: To keep students engaged and interested in learning, it

Benefits Of Art Education In Elementary Schools

Art education includes “performing arts” such as music, dance, theater and “visual arts” such as sculpture making, painting, drawing, design works (weaving, fabrics, pottery, and jewelry), etc. Art is not only interesting for students but also important for their development at many levels. The most ideal stage to introduce kids to art is at the elementary level as they are highly receptive at this age. Listed below are some benefits of making art education a part of elementary schools: Boosts Creativity: Art encourages kids to think creatively and this is a skill that is highly valued in the 21st-century workplace. Kids learn to be flexible and adapt to new situations and challenges in a safe environment under the guidance of responsible and qualified adults. Improves Academic Performance: Kids who are introduced to art at an early age in life develop verbal skills, critical thinking skills, cognitive ability, improved reading and better performance in math. Art and math are inter