
Showing posts from July, 2019

Importance Of Balancing Study & Hobbies In Student Life

School life involves juggling numerous aspects such as studies, sports, socializing, community service, hobbies and various interests. Studies consume major part of a student’s time, leaving little time for other activities. However, for the overall development of a student, it is important to strike a balance between academics, personal interests and hobbies. Some important reasons for students to balance their studies and hobbies are: Well-Being: Engaging in hobbies in between studies helps students maintain an overall sense of well-being. It reduces fatigue caused by studying for long hours by lowering eye-strain, offering change of posture, changing breathing patterns etc.  Social Life: Taking out time for hobbies adds an element of interest to a student’s life as he has something to learn and polish his skills. Students, who pursue hobbies, diligently attract like-minded people and maintain a healthy social circle. Good Pass-Time: Pursuing a hobby offers numerous benefits

Why Is It Important To Meet Your Child's Teacher

Parent-teacher meetings play a pivotal role in the academic success and personality development of a child. When parents are actively involved in the school lives of their children, they can keep a better tab on their academic performance, behavior and attendance at school. A great way of active involvement in a child’s school life is by meeting his teacher from time to time. The frequency of such meetings depends on the child’s age, special needs, if any or general concerns. Following are some benefits of keeping in touch with your child’s teacher: Get A Better Understanding Of Your Child: Keeping in touch with a child’s teacher helps parents understand if their child is facing any learning and attention issues at school. Parents also get an insight into their child’s academic, social and emotional development. Teachers may give parents ideas on how to tackle such conditions in the best possible way. Eventually such interactions benefit a child by improving his learning abilities