
Showing posts from February, 2019

Why Are Work Assignments Important?

Work assignments are a part and parcel of every student’s academic life. The basic principle behind the concept of assignments is to make students review the topics that have been learnt in the school. It gives them an insight of how clearly they have understood the concepts and provides them an opportunity to clear their doubts before moving forward to new topics. Apart from revising schoolwork, work assignments provide the following benefits: Provides An In-Depth Analysis Of The Subject: Allocating work assignments to students encourages them to revise the topics learnt in the class and also research other resources to complete them. Over the time, this practice instills the habit of probing further on a topic to gain better understanding of the subject. It Teaches Time-Management: Students learn the skill of budgeting their time in order to accommodate their hobbies & other activities of interest along with completing their work assignments. This way they learn the importa

Maintaining Classroom Discipline

The primary responsibility of maintaining discipline in the classroom lies with the teacher-in charge. So, teachers must formulate effective discipline strategies and implement them with the help of parents and administrators. Following are some techniques that can be used by teachers who are searching for unique and effective ways of maintaining discipline in their classrooms: Know Your Students: Get to know your students and their personalities well enough to predict their behavior in the class. Know their names and develop a personal bond to understand them better. Consistency And A Sense Of Humor: Be consistent in maintaining discipline in the classroom. Stick to the rules you have set and ensure that they are fairly enforced. In case a rule is not adhered to as expected, tackle the situation strictly but with a touch of humor. It is important to maintain eye contact with the students and handle the situation without humiliating them. Keep Your Calm: A rule of thumb to f