
Showing posts from May, 2018

Reasons Why Kids Should Play Sports

Incorporating sports into the lives of children provides many physical, mental and social benefits which also reflect in their lives as adults. It makes them confident, disciplined, hardworking and also works towards their all round development. If you are considering to get your child enrolled in some form of sports, here is a list of the immediate benefits your child will reap by taking part in sports. A Boost In Self-Esteem : When kids with low self-esteem activity engage in a sport, it helps them boost their confidence level as well as self-esteem. They start exhibiting better social and behavioral traits. Improved Physical Health : Kids involved in sports spend more time outdoors rather than slouching in front of TV screens & mobile phones. A sport is an organized and structured form of exercise for kids which helps them stay fit & active. The healthy lifestyle adopted as a consequence also feeds into other areas of their lives as good physical health translates into

Different Learning Styles

Everyone has a unique style of learning that works best for them. Understanding the different learning styles can help both educators as well as students gain productivity. Learning styles can broadly be categorized as social and solitary. While some people learn best when on their own, others have better grasping and retaining power when they study in a group. A vast majority of people do not fit in a single category, but rather have a mixture of learning styles that they find effective. The key here is that there is no single style that works for everyone. Identifying what kind of a learner one is can greatly enhance results.  There are several models that have been used to identify and describe different learning styles. One of these, commonly referred to as VAK, divides the way people take in knowledge by three different modes i.e. visual, auditory and kinesthetic. Visual learners learn best by seeing, which means that they find learning with the help of pictures, shapes,

Benefits Of Joining Student Council

Student councils are a platform for students to experience multifaceted growth through development of various important qualities such as leadership and problem-solving skills. These skills eventually translate into life skills, enabling students to take on a wide variety of situations with confidence. No wonder most schools have student councils as an integral part of their extracurricular activities. One of the most prominent benefit of joining a student council is that it helps in boosting confidence. It is one of the few opportunities that allows young students to make important decisions and solve problems on their own. By being an active member of a student council and repeatedly being involved in these processes, it starts to come naturally to students, and they feel confident to act proactively outside the student council as well. In addition to developing these important skills, students also gain confidence from the recognition that they receive from their peers and el