
Showing posts from December, 2020

Reasons To Join Art Club In School

Art is good for kids. Art clubs in schools can allow students to embrace their creative side. Activities organized in art clubs can have mental, academic, social, and emotional impacts on students. Also, students can develop important motor skills and confidence by participating in an art club.  Here are some reasons that explain why students should be encouraged to join an arts club in their school: Motor Skills: Art club activities may include creating art by using paint brushes, by manipulating clay or other medias, along with other activities. These activities can help in developing motor skills of students by improving hand-eye coordination.  Life Skills: In addition to motor skills development, art club activities may help in developing life skills among participating students. In order to bring uniqueness in the art being created, students get a chance to analyze a situation and make decisions based on their creativity. This can help in developing creativity, innovation, proble

Importance of Athletics in Student Life

Undoubtedly, studying hard is important for academic success. However, participating in athletics may be of equal importance to maintain health & vigor during student life. Athletics is an integral part of student life. While some students may get involved in athletics for sheer love of the game, there are immense benefits of participating in athletics during student life. Listed below are some important benefits of athletics in student life: Physical Fitness: Fitness is one of the most anticipated benefits of athletics in student life. However, it is important to emphasize on the therapeutic role of athletics along with physical fitness of students. Participating in athletics may have a positive influence of personality as well.  Team Spirit: Some sports require participating students to cooperate with their team members and work towards achieving a common goal. This can develop team spirit among students which is an important skill for being successful in life. Team spirit can