
Showing posts from August, 2020

Benefits Of Extracurricular Activities In High School

Extracurricular activities are activities that are beyond the regular curriculum of students. These activities are aimed at providing experiences that can help children to develop an interest in various types of things. Extracurricular activities also help in shaping the personality and social skills of young people. There is a long list of extracurricular activities within and outside of the school district including: Academic Clubs (Writing Club, Robotics Club, Science Club, etc.) Art (Anime, Photography, Ceramics, Sculpturing, etc.) Cultural & Language (Latin Club, French Club, Sign Language Club, etc.) Community (Humanity, Mountaineers Club, etc.) Leadership (Peer Leadership, etc.) Media (School or Local Magazine/Radio/Newspaper/Website, Yearbook Committee, etc.)   Participating in extracurricular activities offers numerous benefits: Better Academic Performance: Participating in activities of interest can help in increasing brain function, building concentration, and developin

Why Students Need To Be Self-Motivated

 Self-motivation is the inner force that drives an individual to achieve their goals and to be successful. It is an important personal skill and acts as one of the three pillars of emotional intelligence. Self-motivation helps students in achieving academic success by keeping them focused and directed towards their goal. While external motivation from parents and teachers is important for students, here are a few reasons why students should also be self-motivated. Defined Goals: Self-motivated students can have a clear idea of their goals. They are more driven towards finding a concrete path to reach their goals. Students have a deep understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. They can better determine the knowledge and skill sets they will need to achieve their goals and objectives. Sense of Learning: Self-motivated students often perform better when they have a passion for the subject matter. This makes it easier for them to acquire the skills and knowledge needed to achieve t