
Showing posts from May, 2019

How To Make A Study Plan

Creating a study plan helps students achieve their learning goals faster and utilize their time effectively. The idea behind creating a study plan is to allocate dedicated time slots during the day, week or month to study. Students who rely on study plans are more organized and develop a sense of accountability for the outcome of their efforts. Listed below are some tips for creating an effective study plan: Create A Time Chart: The first step towards making a study plan is to draft a time chart listing your current activities. The purpose of a time chart is to highlight activities that consume your day and find a suitable block of time for your studies. Determine Your Goals: After this, determine your goals for the coming week or month and what you want to accomplish by the end of this period. Some common examples of goals that students set are to raise their average in a class, to complete a chapter, to study for a particular test or exam and so on. Find Your Style Of Learnin

Benefits Of Taking Up Teaching Job

The most rewarding aspect of being a teacher is the ability to change another human being’s life profoundly and motivate him to achieve his maximum potential. A teacher not only benefits the students he teaches, but also experiences many benefits in his own personal life. Listed below are some benefits of this profession that reflect in a teacher’s life: Opportunities To Learn New Things: The teaching profession offers so many opportunities to learn new things every single day. Each day gives you a chance to update your knowledge, learn something about yourself as a human, about your students and the world around you. An Active Lifestyle: As a teacher, a major portion of your day is spent either standing or walking which helps you in staying active while you work. Long Term Friendships: Teachers spend a major part of their day at school. This provides opportunities to interact with their colleagues and form strong bonds that may last a life time. Work-Life Balance: This profe